​How Do I Place An Order?
As you shop, simply add any items you'd like to purchase to your shopping cart by pressing the "Add to Cart" button. You'll immediately notice that the shopping cart icon in the top right corner will show the number of items you currently have in your cart.
Once you are done selecting items, simply click on the Cart button in the upper right corner and it will allow you to edit your selections and proceed to checkout.
​Payment options
We offer PayPal as our payment provider. With PayPal, you can easily pay by credit card or debit card with no addiitonal fees to you and do so with the utmost confidence in security. What's more, you don't have to have a PayPal account. To learn more about PayPal, click on this link...
​Secure ordering
Your entire order will be encrypted using the latest SSL technology from end to end. You can rest assured your transaction will be completed and no one will have access to your personal credit/debit card information.
​Shipping charges
Here's more good news... there are NO additional shipping charges. They are included in the price of the item.